Publikationen und Projekte

New Policy Paper: Time to Move to the Western Balkans. How the Diversification of global supply chains can benefit EU resilience

Together with Zoran Nechev, Head of the Centre for European Integration at the Institute for Democracy – Societas Civilis Skopje (North Macedonia) I recently published the analysis and policy brief: Time to move to the Western Balkans: How diversification of global supply chains can benefit EU resilience (April 2021).

We are using the current momentum to rethink European supply chains to provide a way towards more resilience and independence from other global players by linking it to the EU Enlargement portfolio.

By taking advantage of the geographic proximity, the need for investment and sustainable growth and the available capacities in Southeast Europe, the EU would be well-advised to develop a comprehensive investment strategy that has the nearshoring of supply chains at its core.

Read the full argument HERE (pdf)

A follow-up panel discussion was organized in cooperation with the Regional Cooperation Council and can be watched HERE

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