Together with my WILPF* colleagues Victoria Scheyer, Dilek Gürsel und Jess Cheung and funded by the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Germany I had the chance to contribute to an exciting publication: „Practicing Feminist Foreign Policy in the Everyday: A Toolkit“
I don’t think it’s too optimistic to say that we are experiencing a momentum for a more feminist approach to foreign policy across the world. Most recently, the new German government has also committed (if vaguely, and only after tough negotiations as insiders shared) to “a” Feminist Foreign Policy. But what exactly does that mean? What is a Feminist Foreign Policy? To give guidance to policy makers and practicioners we have published this applicable and value-based policy recommendation.
The Toolkit sketches our vision of a feminist approach to foreign policy, characterized five core values. Learn more about the values and our idea HERE .