Publications and Projects

What’s in a name? February 2019 Update from (North) Macedonia

A few weeks ago I arrived to the Republic of Macedonia, “former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” in international documents, and in just a few days I will be leaving from the Republic of North Macedonia. Have I changed countries? No, of course not. But the country has changed its name. It all started last year …

About me,Publications and Projects,travels

Back in Skopje or: the continuing astonishment about my free choice to live in “the East”

Oops, I did it again – I am back. For five short weeks I live – again – in Skopje, capital of Macedonia (the Republic of North Macedonia as of most recent). This time the country is not neck deep in state capture and national crises (read more on my blog about the deadlock in …

My Blog

The female body as a public good or: the battle for women’s rights in Poland

In Poland, women‘s organisation have – once more – called for a general strike. On Friday 23rd thousands are expected to take the streets in Warsaw to scream out their anger against the restriction of the abortion law and with it the restriction of women’s rights in Poland. The protest is labelled “czarny piątek”, Black …

My Blog,travels

Living the French Way: Wine, Friends & Happiness in Bordeaux

Bordeaux – award-winning city in Southwestern France, known all over the world for dark red shimmering wine and for old architecture. A city where medieval gates, Gothic churches and streets in the style of classicism nestle against the banks of the Garonne river and where 18k m² are listed as UNESCO-world heritage. That sounded like …